Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille                                                                                                                        


Bridges Conferences (Pécs, Hungary, 24-28 July)

Philippe Bootz takes part in the Bridges Conferences * on 28 July.
The title of his talk is : "Use of pseudo functions in digital creation"

Click the image to enter Bridges website :


And read here the conference schedule.

* The Bridges Conferences, running annually since 1998, brings together practicing mathematicians, scientists, artists, educators, musicians, writers, computer scientists, sculptors, dancers, weavers, and model builders in a lively atmosphere of exchange and mutual encouragement. Important components of these conferences, in addition to formal presentations, are hands-on workshops, gallery displays of visual art, working sessions with artists who are crossing the mathematics-arts boundaries, and musical/theatrical events in the evenings.

Translation of Cahier du MIM N°3

PASSAGE, DIGITAL POEM, ELEMENTS OF AESTHETICS AND ANALYSIS (Philippe Bootz, Marcel Frémiot), the Cahier du MIM (Book of MIM) N°3, is translated in english.
You can download it for free here !
(file : MIMcahier3_eng.pdf)

Video extracts of Passage, digital poem, can be seen here :

e-poetry 2009

Philippe Bootz, member of organisation comittee of e-poetry 2009 presents there his multimedia work Passage (music : Marcel Frémiot).
To download this work, please click here

Click the image to access e-poetry 2009's website


Alire : new issue

Alire 13 is published since December 29 - in French and for PC only

This issue is devoted to Philippe Bootz. It commemorates several anniversaries. So, it contains among others works, his first syntactic animation: Métamorphose (1988), previously unpublished and the first work of the aesthetic of frustration: Stances à Hélène (1998). Métamorphose was created on a TO8 and never ported to the PC. The published version is the original. It runs inside a TO8 emulator for PC (supplied in the issue) that do not need to be installed on the hard disk.



VERS UNE SEMIOTIQUE GENERALE DU TEMPS DANS LES ARTS (Towards a general semiotic of time in the arts)

The proceedings of colloquium ''Les UST, Nouvel outil d'analyse musicale, Théories et applications" (UST, new way in musical analysis, theory and applications)(dec. 7-9 2005) are released !

(click the image to see the summary)

Click here to order/buy this book

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