Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille                                                                                                                        


La forme parle

There are two reasons to explain the title of this oncert. Each of the works that we offer is personalized at this level by a form uncommon. Second reason: there is an allusion to one of "Scenes of children" by Robert Schumann, the poet speaks. It is argued that the authors claim here, as a poetic sensibility.

How can it form about? An example: the last of Advent cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. One of the most significant cases the form of the cantata is his harmonic, then journey to sensitive ears of the faithful. The cantata starts in minor symbol of darkness before the birth of the Savior. It ends in major symbol of redemption by the advent of Jesus Christ.

UST and graphics

Julie Rousset is a graphic designer who designed a system
of graphic representation of the UST :

It's based on the UST classification developed by Xavier Hautbois[1] :

This representation describes the morphology of the UST, in particular concerning the energy (strength, speed), the direction, the breaking points...

Other explanations in her site and in the proceedings of the colloquium Les UST, Nouvel outil d'analyse musicale, Théories et applications.


[1] IDEAT (Institut d’Esthétique des Arts et Technologies, ex-IDEAC, CNRS/Université de Paris 1)

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